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Pickerington Youth Athletic Association

Pickerington Youth Athletic Association

Volleyball Information

2024 Fall Volleyball - For more information, contact Tiffany Kurtz [email protected]


  • Our practices will begin approximately the 2nd week of school. (Following the PLSD Calendar)
  • Each team will have 1 practice per week. (Mon, Tues, Wed or Thurs)
  • We will hold weekly Friday Night Clinics (open to all players and coaches) starting the first week of practices.
  • First matches (games) will be on Saturday after the 2nd week of practices.
  • Matches will be held on Saturday mornings between 8am - 2pm.
  • A match will have ~ 2-3 sets and will not go longer than one hour.
  • Our season ends the last weekend in October with a 2 day tournament.
  • All practices and games will be conducted in the PLSD facilities.
  • Registration can be completed online or by visiting the PYAA office during its normal office hours.
  • During registration, in the SPECIAL REQUEST section, give us information such as; what nights your child can NOT practice, any other requests, etc. We cannot guarantee requests will be granted, but will do our best to accomodate where we can. 
  • Fees can be paid for at the time of registration via credit card and all fees must be paid prior to your child's participation.
  • Like most recreational sports programs, PYAA relies on volunteers and we ask that all parents consider coaching, assistant coaching, assist with keeping score and being line judges during the matches.
  • If you're interested in coaching, please visit Coach's Corner to register as a Coach and start your Background Check once registration has opened.
  • Fill out the "SUBSCRIBE TO UPDATES" form on our Volleyball homepage to stay informed on all things related to our Volleyball League.
  • Be sure to follow us on Face Book to stay up to date on all the latest PYAA Volleyball info: PYAA Vball FaceBook

Unfortunately, it is too arduous on our volunteer board members to accommodate players who want to be with friends/specific coaches, etc. If you have more than one child playing PYAA sports or have a compelling special request, please send me an email ([email protected]) immediately following your registration and we will do our best to accommodate your situation. It is easier to accomodate special requests immediately following registration as when teams have been formed we can no longer make changes due to logistical reasons in preparation to start the season, such as ordering uniforms, etc.

Thank you!



As our league grows, your ideas will allow us to make the PYAA Volleyball league better for players and coaches. We are looking for creative ways to ensure our children have the best volleyball experience possible. If you are interested in helping on the PYAA Volleyball Board or would like to share your ideas with us, please contact:

[email protected]

 2023 PYAA Volleyball Board:

  • President: Tiffany Kurtz
  • Vice President: Taylor Ranger
  • Secretary: (open)
  • Treasurer: Taylor Ranger
  • Referee Coordinator: Sara Owens
  • Social Media Specialist:Taylor Ranger
  • Equipment/Uniform Coordinator: Colleen Chukwu
  • Scheduling Coordinator: Tiffany Kurtz
  • Ktg - 2nd Grade Coordinator: Tonnetta Quigley & Lakisha Swinton
  • 3rd- 4th Grade Coordinators: Jen Turner
  • 5th - 6th Grade Coordinator: Janel Theiss
  • 7th - 12th Grade Coordinator:Taylor Ranger
  • Member at Large, Tournament Coordinator: Colleen Chukwu
  • Member at Large, Concessions: Lakisha Swinton

Ohio State Law

March 2013: Mandatory Concussion Training for Coaches. This is a state mandated training for all coaches and officials of youth sports (including volunteers.)  If you are a head coach, assistant coach, referee/umpire, you must complete this course.  This is required for all sports.  There is no cost to you.  You will be directed to "Login to Order". It will appear you are purchasing a class, but the cost will be $0.00.   Please allow 30 minutes to complete the training. You will obtain a certificate and we will ask you to provide us a copy of the certificate (email or dropped off to PYAA Office).  If you have any questions you may contact the PYAA Office [email protected].  Thank you for your attention in this matter. Click to Begin Concussion Training 

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PYAA Volleyball Game Rules


 Scroll down for Grade Specific Rules; 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, 7th-12th

Rules for All Grades: 

  • Home Team (Responsible for Line Judges)
  • Away Team (Responsible for Score Keeping) 
  • Both Teams will assist with putting up and taking down nets if you’re the first/last teams playing
  • Subbing/Rotation:
    • The server will serve the ball until there is a side out and that server will stay in for serve receive. Upon rotation, the server will rotate out and the new player will go into the middle back position.
      • example: On the rotation, previous server will leave the court, new player will come into middle back position and right front will move into server position and so on.
    • Substitutions will only be made in the middle back position, unless there is an injury.
    • Requesting a “substitution” from the referee is not required.
  • Captains:
    • Please provide one or two Captains to the Referee
    • Referee will do a coin toss (Away Team calls heads/tails) and gets choice of Side or Serve.
  • Switching Sides:
    • Teams will switch sides between first and second game.
    • 3rd game, the Referee will do a coin toss with Captains for Side or Serve.
  • Sportsmanship:
    • For now let’s have players walk along the net to congratulate and wave at each other rather than handshake/fist bump.
    • Teams should line up across the middle of the court at the beginning of the game to say GOOD LUCK – wave.
    • Ensure your parents are providing encouraging words only….Players can get frustrated quickly and embarrassed when they make a “mistake” and they don’t need parents criticizing from afar! I think that’s part of the PYAA Etiquette, so please share this with them! Parents are to provide emotional support.
    • Coaches: please work with one another, if a team gets to the gym a little early for practice, ensure your players sit quietly in the bleachers until the other team is finished.
    • Coaches: please ensure you are providing direction followed by encouragement….We want our players to be excited about playing and we want them to come back next season! This is developmental volleyball and your team is only as strong as its weakest link! Encourage growth, positivity, and communication to contribute to the growth of our program.
  • Sidelines:
    • Coaches and Players must use the front row of the bleachers as your bench. This allows direct eyesight to the Up-Referee and eliminates water bottles/bags along the wall.
  • Balls
    • Coaches please ensure you bring your own balls and collect your balls after warm-ups. Keep your players from grabbing other team’s balls b/c we had several balls end up in the wrong bags. Feel free to put a colored dot on your balls to keep track!

3rd-4th GRADE

 NET HEIGHT: 1.98 Meters (6’6”)


  • Players/Teams are not to being warming up until the net is completely put up.
  • Official warm-ups begin 10 minutes before the game.
    • 5 minutes of coach warm-up
    • 5 minutes of serving
  • Each team should pick one side of the court to use during warm-up. Both teams may remain on their side of the court throughout the entire warm-up period
  • Referees will use warm-up time to speak with captains and coaches.
    • Teams will do a coin toss for the serve. The team that does not win the serve may pick which side of the court they want to play on. The coin toss is done again, with the same captains prior to the 3rd game of every match.
    • Coaches, please make sure to rotate captain’s every game.
  • Game play will begin immediately following warm-up. Coaches, please have your lineups ready and your starting 6 players on the court to keep all games on schedule.
  • 2 Line Judges/1 Scorekeeper are responsibility of COACHES not REFS:
    • Home Team: Responsible for 2 Line Judges
    • Away Team: Responsible for 1 Scorekeeper
    • The game should not start until the referee, line judges and scorekeeper are in place.
    • Refs should go over basic calls and instructions with all line judges/score keeper.


  • General Info
    • Teams will play 3 games total and should be played as follows:
      • GAME 1 - play to 21, win by 2. Twenty minute time limit
      • GAME 2 - play to 21, win by 2. Twenty minute time limit.
      • GAME 3 - play to 15 win by 1. Ten minute time limit.
        • Coin toss to be completed quickly prior to the start of game 3.
    • All games are Rally Score
    • Teams are allowed one :30 second timeout per game.
    • Official timeouts can be taken in case of injury
    • A minimum of 5 players per team is required for a match to begin. If a team only has 5 players, they should not substitute any of them out.
    • Any team that has 6+ players must play no more or no less than 6 players on the court at a time. Normal substitution rules apply. (See “Rotation” Section)
    • If one team has an excess number of players and the other is short (5 or less), coaches can agree to allow players from one team to move to the other team for that match only.
  • Serving
    • Players can serve from the 10’ Line (attack line already marked on the court) or anywhere behind it and gets up to 3 attempts to get the ball over the net before a side-out. Coaches are allowed to go onto the court to assist the server within “reason”. Try to work on serving more during practice time to preclude delaying playing time on game day.
    • At the beginning of each players serve rotation, they will be given up to three attempts to serve the ball over the net.
      • Once the player has successfully served the ball over the net - on the first, second or third attempt - they no longer receive an additional try on a mis-serve in that same rotation.
    • Players may not serve more than 4 consecutive points in a row. If a player serves their 4th point, the team must rotate and a new player for the same team will be the server.
      • All previous serving rules apply to the new server.
  • Passing, Setting, Hitting
    • A maximum of 3 hits per side. The same player may not hit the ball two times in a row.
    • At this age we strongly encourage players to focus mostly on passing to volley back and forth. Coaches may still teach setting and hitting, but only if their ENTIRE team is ready to move on to those skills.
    • Setting is allowed if it is done (for the most part) correctly.
      • Please try to discourage the kids from setting on the first hit of a serve receive.
      • Lifts are to be called with an error of caution. Remember kids in this age group are very new to the sport and may not realize what a lift is, let alone that it is illegal.
        • Refs should use their discretion when calling illegal lifts. Just remember to be consistent with both teams.
    • It is unlikely that you will see any hitting attempts at this level, but it is legal. Coaches and referees should use their best judgment to make sure that it is being done safely and legally.
  • Rotation
    • Teams will rotate clockwise each time it is their turn to serve.
    • The player who is moving to middle back (the previous rotations server) comes out of the game and a new player goes into that spot.
    • Players should play a full rotation and should only be subbed out once they return to the middle back position,
      • Injured players may be subbed out as needed.
    • Coaches should try to adjust their starting line up regularly and stick to the rotation guidelines in order to get all players equal amount of playing time. 


  • The rules and guidelines set forth by the PYAA Board are for all participants and spectators at every PYAA event. Each person signs a user agreement at the beginning of every season and is expected to adhere to the agreement and maintain a behavior of good sportsmanship, respect, and kindness. At no time should a referee have to feel intimidated, pressured, or belittled by a player, coach, or spectator. If this were to happen, you have the power to immediately stop game play and take the following steps:
    • If the issue is with a spectator or player, speak with your coaches. Find out which team they are part of have the coaches handle the situation.
    • If the situation is with a coach, find the nearest PYAA Representative.
    • If you feel that the situation has been addressed properly and you are comfortable continuing game play, you may do so.
  • In the event of a situation unbecoming to PYAA standards, please try to get as much information as possible from the parties involved. Things like First and Last Names, Child’s Name, Child’s grade level, Coach, Team, Time/Place of game etc… are all helpful in making sure that I am able to reach out to the individuals involved and take any remaining action necessary.
    • At no point throughout the season do I want you to feel uncomfortable. You do not, and should not address a hostile person or put yourself in a position where you feel out of control. The information I am asking for above can be gathered by speaking to coaches or other parents on the teams involved. I can also figure out what I need to by talking to everyone involved.
  • A full description of PYAA rules and standards can be found online at - I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the expectations of the PYAA organization. 

5th-6th GRADE

 NET HEIGHT: 2.13 Meters (7’0”)


  • Players/Teams are not to being warming up until the net is completely put up.
  • Official warm-ups begin 10 minutes before the game.
    • 5 minutes of coach warm-up
    • 5 minutes of serving
  • Each team should pick one side of the court to use during warm-up. Both teams may remain on their side of the court throughout the entire warm-up period
  • Referees will use warm-up time to speak with captains and coaches.
    • Teams will do a coin toss for the serve. The team that does not win the serve may pick which side of the court they want to play on. The coin toss is done again, with the same captains prior to the 3rd game of every match.
    • Coaches, please make sure to rotate captain’s every game.
  • Game play will begin immediately following warm-up. Coaches, please have your lineups ready and your starting 6 players on the court to keep all games on schedule.
  • Line Judges/1 Scorekeeper are responsibility of COACHES not REFS:
    • Home Team: Responsible for 2 Line Judges
    • Away Team: Responsible for 1 Scorekeeper
    • The game should not start until the referee, line judges and scorekeeper are in place.
    • Refs should go over basic calls and instructions with all line judges/score keeper.


  • General Info
    • Teams will play 3 games total and should be played as follows:
      • GAME 1 - play to 25, win by 2. Twenty minute time limit
      • GAME 2 - play to 25, win by 2. Twenty minute time limit.
      • GAME 3 - play to 21 win by 1. Ten minute time limit.
        • Coin toss to be completed quickly prior to the start of game 3.
    • All games are Rally Score
    • Teams are allowed one :30 second timeout per game.
      • Official timeouts can be taken in case of injury
    • A minimum of 5 players per team is required for a match to begin. If a team only has 5 players, they should not substitute any of them out.
    • Any team that has 6+ players must play no more or no less than 6 players on the court at a time. Normal substitution rules apply. (See “Rotation” Section)
    • If one team has an excess number of players and the other is short (5 or less), coaches can agree to allow players from one team to move to the other team for that match only.
  • Serving
    • Players receive one chance to serve the ball in play.
      • Players are allowed one step over the line
    • Players may not serve more than 6 consecutive points in a row. If a player serves their 6th point, the team must rotate and a new player for the same team will be the server.
      • All previous serving rules apply to the new server.
  • Passing, Setting, Hitting
    • A maximum of 3 hits per side. The same player may not hit the ball two times in a row.
    • Setting is allowed if it is done (for the most part) correctly.
      • Please try to discourage the kids from setting on the first hit of a serve receive.
      • Lifts are to be called with an error of caution.
        • Refs should use their discretion when calling illegal lifts. Just remember to be consistent with both teams.
    • Hitting is allowed and you may see it at this level. Coaches and referees should use their best judgment to make sure that it is being done safely and legally.
  • Rotation
    • Teams will rotate clockwise each time it is their turn to serve.
    • The player who is moving to middle back (the previous rotations server) comes out of the game and a new player goes into that spot.
    • Players should play a full rotation and should only be subbed out once they return to the middle back position,
      • Injured players may be subbed out as needed.
    • Coaches should try to adjust their starting line up regularly and stick to the rotation guidelines in order to get all players equal amount of playing time. 


  • The rules and guidelines set forth by the PYAA Board are for all participants and spectators at every PYAA event. Each person signs a user agreement at the beginning of every season and is expected to adhere to the agreement and maintain a behavior of good sportsmanship, respect, and kindness. At no time should a referee have to feel intimidated, pressured, or belittled by a player, coach, or spectator. If this were to happen, you have the power to immediately stop game play and take the following steps:
    • If the issue is with a spectator or player, speak with your coaches. Find out which team they are part of have the coaches handle the situation.
    • If the situation is with a coach, find the nearest PYAA Representative.
    • If you feel that the situation has been addressed properly and you are comfortable continuing game play, you may do so.
  • In the event of a situation unbecoming to PYAA standards, please try to get as much information as possible from the parties involved. Things like First and Last Names, Child’s Name, Child’s grade level, Coach, Team, Time/Place of game etc… are all helpful in making sure that I am able to reach out to the individuals involved and take any remaining action necessary.
    • At no point throughout the season do I want you to feel uncomfortable. You do not, and should not address a hostile person or put yourself in a position where you feel out of control. The information I am asking for above can be gathered by speaking to coaches or other parents on the teams involved. I can also figure out what I need to by talking to everyone involved.
  • A full description of PYAA rules and standards can be found online at - I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the expectations of the PYAA organization. 

7th-12th GRADE

NET HEIGHT: 2.24 Meters (7’4 1/8”) if co-ed league.

  • If enough players to separate boys/girls then boys will play on (7’11 5/8”) 


  • Players/Teams are not to being warming up until the net is completely put up.
  • Official warm-ups begin 10 minutes before the game.
    • 5 minutes of coach warm-up
    • 5 minutes of serving
  • Each team should pick one side of the court to use during warm-up. Both teams may remain on their side of the court throughout the entire warm-up period
  • Referees will use warm-up time to speak with captains and coaches.
    • Teams will do a coin toss for the serve. The team that does not win the serve may pick which side of the court they want to play on. The coin toss is done again, with the same captains prior to the 3rd game of every match.
    • Coaches, please make sure to rotate captain’s every game.
  • Game play will begin immediately following warm-up. Coaches, please have your lineups ready and your starting 6 players on the court to keep all games on schedule.
  • Line Judges/1 Scorekeeper are responsibility of COACHES not REFS:
    • Home Team: Responsible for 2 Line Judges
    • Away Team: Responsible for 1 Scorekeeper
    • The game should not start until the referee, line judges and scorekeeper are in place.
    • Refs should go over basic calls and instructions with all line judges/score keeper.


  • General Info
    • Teams will play 3 games total and should be played as follows:
      • GAME 1 - play to 25, win by 2. Twenty minute time limit
      • GAME 2 - play to 25, win by 2. Twenty minute time limit.
      • GAME 3 - play to 21 win by 1. Ten minute time limit.
        • Coin toss to be completed quickly prior to the start of game 3.
    • All games are Rally Score
    • Teams are allowed one :30 second timeout per game.
    • Official timeouts can be taken in case of injury
    • A minimum of 5 players per team is required for a match to begin. If a team only has 5 players, they should not substitute any of them out.
    • Any team that has 6+ players must play no more or no less than 6 players on the court at a time. Normal substitution rules apply. (See “Rotation” Section)
    • If one team has an excess number of players and the other is short (5 or less), coaches can agree to allow players from one team to move to the other team for that match only.
  • Serving
    • Players receive one chance to serve the ball in play.
      • Foot faults will result in loss of serve
    • Players may not serve more than 6 consecutive points in a row. If a player serves their 6th point, the team must rotate and a new player for the same team will be the server.
      • All previous serving rules apply to the new server.
  • Passing, Setting, Hitting
    • A maximum of 3 hits per side. The same player may not hit the ball two times in a row.
    • Setting is allowed if it is done (for the most part) correctly.
      • Please try to discourage the kids from setting on the first hit of a serve receive.
      • All lifts should be called as illegal hits o Hitting is encouraged at this level, if it is done safely and legally.
  • Rotation
    • Teams will rotate clockwise each time it is their turn to serve.
    • The player who is moving to middle back (the previous rotations server) comes out of the game and a new player goes into that spot.
    • Players should play a full rotation and should only be subbed out once they return to the middle back position,
      • Injured players may be subbed out as needed.
    • Coaches should try to adjust their starting line up regularly and stick to the rotation guidelines in order to get all players equal amount of playing time. 


  • The rules and guidelines set forth by the PYAA Board are for all participants and spectators at every PYAA event. Each person signs a user agreement at the beginning of every season and is expected to adhere to the agreement and maintain a behavior of good sportsmanship, respect, and kindness. At no time should a referee have to feel intimidated, pressured, or belittled by a player, coach, or spectator. If this were to happen, you have the power to immediately stop game play and take the following steps:
    • If the issue is with a spectator or player, speak with your coaches. Find out which team they are part of have the coaches handle the situation.
    • If the situation is with a coach, find the nearest PYAA Representative.
    • If you feel that the situation has been addressed properly and you are comfortable continuing game play, you may do so.
  • In the event of a situation unbecoming to PYAA standards, please try to get as much information as possible from the parties involved. Things like First and Last Names, Child’s Name, Child’s grade level, Coach, Team, Time/Place of game etc… are all helpful in making sure that I am able to reach out to the individuals involved and take any remaining action necessary.
    • At no point throughout the season do I want you to feel uncomfortable. You do not, and should not address a hostile person or put yourself in a position where you feel out of control. The information I am asking for above can be gathered by speaking to coaches or other parents on the teams involved. I can also figure out what I need to by talking to everyone involved.
  • A full description of PYAA rules and standards can be found online at - I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the expectations of the PYAA organization.


Q: Do I need to purchase a uniform?
A: Your registration fee includes a dri-fit style "uniformed" t-shirt. Players can wear any comfortable shorts and clean, indoor (court) shoes.  Knee pads are recommended, but not required.

Q: When is the season?
A: The season starts shortly after PLSD schools begin classes in the fall and runs through the end of October/beginning of November.

Q: When are practices and how many practices a week?
A: There will be one practice night per week held for at least one hour. Once you are assigned to a team, you will practice at the same time on the same weekday, pending any schedule adjustments due to school/gym availability.

Q: When are games?
A: Games are held Saturday mornings/early afternoon, and start on the hour between 8am and 2pm, and last for up to one hour.

Q: Where are practices and games held?
A: All games and practices are held in Pickerington Local School District facilities. Mostly between Harmon Middle School and Toll Gate Elementary/Middle School.

Q: My child doesn't attend Pickerington Schools, can they still play?
A: As long as you live within the bounds of the Pickerington School District, your child is eligible to play PYAA Volleyball.

Q: Is experience necessary?
A: No. PYAA accepts all players regardless of experience.  There is a question on the registration that asks experience level which we use to level-load the teams. This is another reason we ask that you don't request to be on teams with friends or with a specific coach.

Volleyball Board

Tiffany Kurtz - President

[email protected]

Taylor Ranger - Vice President

Sara Owens - Referee Coordinator

Taylor Ranger - Treasurer

Taylor Ranger - Social Media Specialist

Tiffany Kurtz - Scheduling Coordinator 

Colleen Chukwu - Equipment / Uniform Coordinator, Member-at-Large Tournament Coordinator

Tonnetta Quigley and Lakisha Swinton - Ktg - 2nd Grade Coordinator

Jen Turner - 3rd - 4th Grade Coordinator

Janel Theiss - 5th and 6th Grade Coordinator

Taylor Ranger - 7th - 12th Grade Coordinator

Lakisha Swinton - Member-at- Large Concessions Manager

Open Board Positions :

Volleyball Resources





PYAA Volleyball is a recreational program designed for kids who enjoy playing the game, no matter their skill level.  We offer fundamental skill development with much less of a time commitment than club or school volleyball. However, we encourage all kids to develop new skills and move to the next level when the time is right for them. We have developed a list of camps/clinics/and area club information to help families in moving to that next level!

All clubs are different in terms of travel, cost, and time commitment, so i strongly encourage anyone who is interested in competing at the club level to research all options to find the right fit for both your player and your family.  Reach out to club directors, someone you know who has played at the club before, or any of our Board Members. Ask questions! We are more happy to help and if we can't answer your questions, we will get you in touch with someone who can!

Most clubs offer year-round clinics/tune-up trainings, so it's never too early or late to contact them!

Check out the sites below for more information! 


Columbus Area Volleyball Club Websites:

Advancement Academy East (Granville)

Advancement Academy (Lewis Center)

Buckeye Volleyball Club (Columbus & Newark)

Columbus Volleyball Academy (Pickerington)

Eastside Volleyball Club (Lithopolis)

Elite Volleyball Training Center (Plain City)

Evolution Volleyball Club (Gahanna)

Mintonette Volleyball Club (Powell)

New Wave Volleyball (Newark)

Rogue Volleyball (Columbus/Worthington)

OVR Clubs Listings (All)

This is not a comprehensive list of the numerous Volleyball Clubs in our area, so as mentioned above, do your research to find one that fits everyone! Club Volleyball can seem overwhelming at first, but if your child is interested in playing at the next level, to include being competitive for the school teams, this is an important step in that direction. Please let me know if you have any questions -- [email protected] 


Ktg - 2nd Grade Division

For kids entering Ktg  through 2nd grades in the Fall. This league is co-ed.  

Each team practices one night a week with no officiated games. 

Practices and games take place at Toll Gate Elementary

3rd- 4th Grade Division

For kids entering 3rd through 4th grades in the Fall. This league is co-ed.  

Each team practices one night a week and games are Saturday mornings. 

Practices and games take place at Toll Gate Elementary & Middle School.

5th - 6th Grade Division

For kids entering 5th and 6th grades in the Fall. This league is co-ed.

Each team practices one night a week and games are Saturday mornings. 

Practices and games take place at Toll Gate Elementary and Toll Gate Middle School. 


7th - 12th Grade Division

Combined league for students entering 7th through 12th grades in the Fall. 

If there aren't enough players to separate boys/girls, this will be a co-ed league. 

Each team practices one night a week and games are Saturday mornings. 

Practices and games take place at Toll Gate Middle School.  

All divisions are by grade, not age.  PYAA Volleyball does not offer a play-up option.  

The program is open to all children in grades 2nd-12th who live within the Pickerington Local School District Boundaries.



Pickerington Youth Athletic Association
None, Ohio 43147

Phone: 614-920-9635
Email: [email protected]

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